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The Claims Process


Reporting the Claim

When you report the claim, provide as much detailed information regarding the loss as possible, as well as the best ways to contact you—this will help expedite the investigation.


Initial Claim Review & Contact

When we receive the claim, we’ll review the facts you reported as well as your insurance policy to initiate our handling of the claim.  Your assigned claims specialist will contact you to learn more about the loss, explain how your policy interacts with the loss, and let you know what next steps to expect.


Investigating the Loss

We will investigate the damages being claimed to document the amount and compare the damages to the terms of your policy.  This will often involve the assignment of a field adjuster to inspect the damages at your home; depending on the nature of the loss, we may offer virtual solutions that will allow you to easily document the damages with your smartphone.  Whatever approach is used, we’ll work with you to complete this phase of the claim as quickly as possible.


Evaluation & Resolution

Next, we’ll review the documented damages within the context of your insurance policy to determine the covered loss.  If no additional information is needed, payment for amounts owed under the policy will be issued (we offer electronic payments to get payments to you quickly).  Depending upon the size of the loss and the circumstances of the claim, we may consult with your insurance carrier for their review of the claim prior to payment issuance.

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